POLYKEY joins the GK RECYCLING cluster in Gipuzkoa

Since a few months ago, POLYKEY is part of the GK Recycling cluster created by the Department of Environment and Hydraulic Works of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. The aim of the cluster is the exchange of ideas and opinions between public and private institutions working for reuse and recycling in the territory to create synergies and new innovation routes.

As you may know, one of POLYKEY’s strategic lines is oriented to the chemical recycling of plastic waste. We identify and develop technologies for the recycling of plastics such as polycarbonate and PET, providing a roadmap for the future of the sector. 

We are very grateful to be part of this initiative as we believe that promoting recycling and reuse of waste in a cooperative way is the way to ensure social, economic and labor benefits in the sector.

In addition to more information about our activity (page 70), in the catalog you will find testimonials from multiple public and private institutions that are part of this adventure. We hope you enjoy it!
